vino rosso红酒价格,vino是什么意思


vino rosso红酒价格




    意大利拥有 2,000 多种酿酒葡萄,从赤霞珠(Cabernet Sarvignon)、灰皮诺(Pinot Gris)等知名的国际品种到森特西米诺(Centesimino)、多罗纳(Dorona)等珍贵的本地品种,品种繁多。不仅如此,意大利地形多样,从最北端的高山禁区到最南端的地中海海岛。整个国家从南到北各式各样的风土类型,可以酿造出风格迥异的葡萄酒。如此丰富多样的葡萄酒,需要我们穷其一生反复探索。


    葡萄酒搜索网(,简称 WS)这个全球权威的葡萄酒搜索引擎,每款酒的评分都会按不同比例综合各大权威酒评家的分数,非常严格。他们会根据不同酒评家的评分习惯分配不同的权重,最后得到一个小数点后 4 位数的平均分。即便 WS 的榜单上只显示四舍五入的 2 位数,其排名先后也会由于真实分数的细微差异有所不同。

    最近 WS 又更新了意大利葡萄酒前 10 名的榜单。下面就让我们看看,这些价格日益走高的意大利鼎级葡萄酒都有哪些吧!


    Avignonesi Occhio di Pernice Vin Santo di Montepulciano, Tuscany

    评分:95 分


    位于托斯卡纳蒙帕塞诺(Montepulciano, Tuscany)产区的爱唯侬酒庄(Avignonesi)拥有很长的酿造历史,早期他们将自家葡萄以及酿出的葡萄酒卖给其他酒商,直到 1970 年才开始以自己的名义出售瓶装酒。

    爱唯侬酒庄一直以其酿造的高贵蒙特布查诺葡萄酒(Vino Nobile di Montepulciano)著称,但生产的圣酒一直以来都广受好评。这款“鹧鸪之眼”是一款非常典型的托斯卡纳圣酒,使用风干的意大利本土红葡萄品种桑娇维塞(Sangiovese)酿造,在完成发酵后在 50 升的橡木桶中陈酿长达 10 年之久。风味复杂迷人,口感精致圆润,非常平衡且极具层次感,并拥有勃勃的生命力。

    其 2002 和 2001 年份酒曾经分别获得《葡萄酒倡导家》、2001 年《葡萄酒观察家》98 分的好成绩。这款圣酒是同类葡萄酒中最贵的一款,且在过去 3 年间价格不断上涨。


    Giacomo Conterno Monfortino, Barolo Riserva DOCG, Piedmont

    评分:95 分

    税前均价:8,635 元/750ml

    孔特诺酒庄(Giacomo Conterno)是意大利最负盛名且最具代表性的巴罗洛生产商之一,也是典型的旧派巴罗洛生产商,从不为迎合现代口味而作出妥协。该酒庄坚持采用传统方法,延长浸皮时间,并采用大号的旧橡木桶陈年。

    1920 年,酒庄庄主创造性地打造出这款蒙芙蒂诺(Monfortino)葡萄酒。这款干红仅在好年份使用卡西纳弗朗西亚葡萄园(Cascina Francia - Serralunga D’Alba)中品质最好的内比奥罗(Nebbiolo)葡萄酿造,是酒庄的得意之作,也是整个巴罗洛地区最贵的酒款之一。

    许多酒评家对这款巴罗洛干红都给出了极高的评价,比如《葡萄酒倡导家》给 2013 年份的蒙芙蒂诺巴罗洛珍藏干红 98 分。


    Gaja Sori San Lorenzo Langhe-Barbaresco, Piedmont

    评分:95 分

    税前均价:3,096 元/750ml

    嘉雅酒庄(Gaja)是意大利顶级酒庄的代表之一,在巴巴莱斯科的发展史上更是先知一样的存在。嘉雅酒庄的酒会根据混酿种类的不同贴上朗格 DOC 产区(Langhe DOC)或者巴巴莱斯科 DOCG 产区(Barbaresco DOCG)的标签。

    而这款单一园干红为了调整酸度,在酒中加入了 5-8% 的巴贝拉(Barbera),因而违反了巴巴莱斯科 DOCG 法规,因此这款酒标示的是朗格 DOC 级别。酒液橡木桶陈酿 24 个月,年轻时单宁非常强劲有力,在瓶中达到成熟的时间也比其他葡萄酒要晚。

    在WS网站上,这款酒是该地区产品中被搜索次数最多的葡萄酒,也是格朗葡萄酒中第二贵的葡萄酒。在《葡萄酒倡导家》上,其 2016 年份曾获得 98 的好成绩。最近 2 年间,这款酒的价格也在持续高升。


    Masseto Toscana IGT, Tuscany

    评分:95 分

    税前均价:5,475 元/750ml

    奥纳亚酒庄(Ornellaia)位于托斯卡纳(Toscany)的宝格利产区(Bolgheri)。作为酿造“超级托斯卡纳(Super Tuscan)”的重要产区,宝格利产区又被称作是意大利的波尔多。因为这里种植的都是赤霞珠、梅洛等国际葡萄品种。

    这款名为“马塞托(Masseto)”的超级托斯卡纳葡萄酒就是由100%梅洛酿造而成的,它的香气复杂,果味浓郁,单宁结构紧实。这款酒曾连续3年被酒行最佳意大利葡萄酒奖(The Winesider Best Italian Wine Awards,简称TWS-BIWA)评选为年度最佳意大利葡萄酒前 50 名。


    Casanova di Neri Cerretalto, Brunello di Montalcino DOCG, Tuscany

    评分:95 分

    税前均价:2,088 元/750ml

    乔万尼?奈里(Giovanni Neri)先生于 1971 年在蒙塔奇诺(Montalcino)建立了卡萨诺瓦酒庄(Casanova di Neri)。自 1991 年起,酒庄由乔万尼?奈里先生的儿子贾科莫?奈里(Giacomo Neri)接手经营管理。

    这款瑟雷塔单一园(Cerretalto)布鲁奈罗干红全部由来自瑟雷塔园的桑娇维塞葡萄酿成的,由于风土的多样性,赋予了葡萄酒各种可能,并带来了极高的辨识度。著名酒评家布鲁斯·桑德森(Bruce Sanderson)曾这样评价它:“这款浓郁的红葡萄酒中,香料、香草、雪松刨花的气息装点了纯粹的樱桃味。在结尾时表现出力量和持久的特点。”

    这款卡萨诺瓦酒庄瑟雷塔单一园布鲁奈罗干红是布鲁奈罗蒙塔希诺 DOCG 产区(Brunello di Montalcino DOCG)价格最高的葡萄酒之一。在《葡萄酒倡导者》上,曾给予其 2013 年份 97 分的高分,2010 年份曾获得《葡萄酒观察家》95 分的高分。


    Marchesi Antinori Solaia Tuscany IGT, Tuscany

    评分:95 分

    税前均价:1,989 元/750ml

    安东尼世家(Marchesi Antinori) 是世界上最古老的葡萄酒家族之一,同时也是意大利数一数二的葡萄酒集团,在全世界拥有多座独立酒庄,其总部位于意大利托斯卡纳(Tuscany)地区。

    索拉雅(Solaia)干红采用 75% 赤霞珠、20% 桑娇维塞和 5% 品丽珠(Carbenet Franc)葡萄混合酿造,在橡木桶中陈酿 18 个月,在瓶中继续熟成 12 个月之后,方可上市。酒体深红,闪烁着宝石光泽,可隐约嗅到香草和淡淡的果香,入口后黑莓及可可味滑过味蕾,均衡高雅又有深度,余香绵延。

    生于 1978 年的索拉雅干红虽然只有不到 40 年的历史,但是已被公认为世界顶级红酒的经典之作。1997 年份的索拉雅干红被全球权威《葡萄酒观察家》杂志评为“ 2000 年全球 100 佳酿”的冠军,作为第一个获得此荣誉的意大利葡萄酒,确立了索拉雅干红在全球顶级红酒中的领袖地位。


    Tenuta San Guido Sassicaia Bolgheri, Tuscany

    评分:95 分

    税前均价:1,934 元/750ml

    圣圭托酒庄(Tenuta San Guido)地处意大利托斯卡纳的保格利(Bolgheri)海滨地区。酒庄出产的西施佳雅(Sassicaia)葡萄酒被称为意大利的酒王之王,享有“意大利拉菲”的美誉,其酿酒葡萄(以赤霞珠和品丽珠为主)全部来源于圣圭托酒庄最优质的葡萄园西施佳雅(Bolgheri Sassicaia DOCG)。

    西施佳雅葡萄园平均在 200 米至 300 米的高海拔之间,能够同时受到海拔和海风的影响,使得酿造的葡萄酒更加优雅。酒庄每个出产年份都会出产 15,000 箱西施佳雅酒,产量适中,葡萄酒会先在橡木桶(三成新)中陈年 24 个月,然后在上市售卖之前再在瓶中陈年 6 个月。

    西施佳雅干红在 1985 年被评为 20 世纪最伟大的葡萄酒之一,著名酒评家罗伯特?帕克(Robert Parker)曾授予它 100 分的高度赞誉。这款酒获奖无数,是当之无愧的最受欢迎意大利葡萄酒。


    Avignonesi Vin Santo di Montepulciano, Tuscany

    评分:94 分

    税前均价:2,433 元/750ml

    这款同为爱唯侬酒庄的圣酒是一款用意大利本土白葡萄品种玛尔维萨(Malvasia)和特雷比奥罗(Trebbiano)酿造的甜型葡萄酒。从最好地块手工采摘下的葡萄会被放置在干燥室中数月,然后轻柔压榨后移至大橡木桶中经过 10 年的陈酿。

    《吉尔伯特&盖拉德葡萄酒指南》(Gilbert & Gaillard)是这样评价这款酒的:这款圣酒呈现深棕色,带着琥珀色的光芒。香味非常集中、温和且个性化,带有李子、葡萄、香醋的味道,显示出可爱的复杂性。口感浓郁,都有烟熏味。除此之外,这款圣酒的 2002 年份曾获得《葡萄酒倡导家》97 分的好成绩,2001年份也曾获得《葡萄酒观察家》95 分。


    Gaja Sori Tildin Langhe-Barbaresco, Piedmont

    评分:94 分


    嘉雅酒庄在 1967 年收购了苏里蒂丁园(Sori Tildin)并于1970年酿造出第一款单一园干红。这款酒的特色在于圆润的口感,丰腴有致,加上如丝的单宁,壮而娇美。该酒陈年时间可以达到20年以上。

    与位列第 3 名的嘉雅酒庄苏里圣罗伦佐单一园干红一样,由于未按照巴巴莱斯科 DOCG 产区法规酿造,这款酒只能贴上格朗 DOC 产区的标识。这款酒的 2016 年份在《葡萄酒倡导家》上曾获得 97 的好成绩。


    Miani Calvari Refosco, Colli Orientali del Friuli

    评分:94 分

    税前均价:4,803 元/750ml

    米亚尼酒庄(Miani)位于著名的科利奥地区(Colli Orientali del Friuli)。庄主恩佐·潘通尼(Enzo Pontoni)以严苛的标准,每年只酿造 8,000 瓶酒,因此市场上很难见到这个酒庄的葡萄酒。

    该酒款选用最优质的莱弗斯科葡萄(Refosco dal Pedunculo Rosso)酿造,葡萄园的面积还不到 1 公顷,数年才能得到 1 桶,所以这款酒是酒庄最稀有的酒款。莱弗斯科葡萄即便是在科利奥地区也并不是主要的酿酒葡萄品种,它的使用仅占该产区的 12%。

    许多重量级的酒评家对这款酒都给予了极高的评价,其中《葡萄酒倡导家》就为其 2006 年份的卡瓦日莱弗斯科干红打出了 98 分的高分。

    这份名单中 2 个意大利最负盛名的产区托斯卡纳和皮埃蒙特名列前茅一点也不意外。但 2 款圣酒竟入选该名单是个有趣的现象,这种用意大利本土葡萄品种桑娇维塞,通过自然风干酿造的甜型葡萄酒,是常被忽视的意大利瑰宝。另外,米亚尼酒庄卡瓦日莱弗斯科干红的上榜再次佐证了人们对意大利当地葡萄酒的热爱。(参考资料









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  Galloni – Founder

  Antonio Galloni’s career as

  one of the most trusted and respected wine critics in the world spans over a decade. In 2004, while a graduate student at MIT, Antonio founded Piedmont

  Report, the first in-depth, English language journal solely focused on

  Italian wine. Antonio's success led him to Robert Parker and The Wine

  Advocate where he became the lead critic and covered the wines

  of California, Italy, Burgundy and Champagne. At TWA Antonio

  spearheaded the production of video content, developed numerous public events

  and seminars such as his highly anticipated “La Festa del Barolo,” and ran

  numerous charitable events. Vinous is the continuation of a vision for a

  contemporary wine media platform first conceived by Antonio with Piedmont

  Report in 2004.

    For Antonio's full bio and a high

  resolution picture, click here.

    Regions Covered: Bordeaux, Napa Valley, Piedmont, Valtellina, Tuscany, Champagne, Sonoma, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz Mountains and Burgundy

    Stephen D. Tanzer, Critic Emeritus Stephen was editor and publisher of the critically acclaimed bimonthly International

  Wine Cellar, an independent journal read by wine professionals and other wine

  lovers in all 50 states and 34 countries, and the first American wine

  periodical to be translated into French and Japanese.

    Tanzer is the

  author of The WineAccess Buyer's Guide (Sterling Publishing), a concise yet

  comprehensive guide to the best bottles and producers from virtually every

  important wine region of the world. Tanzer has also served as Senior Editor

  and wine columnist for Food & Wine magazine and wrote Food & Wine's

  Official Wine Guide in 1998 and 1999. Previously, he was the wine columnist

  for Forbes FYI.

    Throughout his thirty-five year career, Tanzer sampled

  well over 10,000 wines annually, spending several months each year tasting

  and discussing wines with their makers, both in the U.S. and abroad.

    Neal Martin, Senior Editor

    Neal Martin began his wine career more than twenty years ago with a Japanese import company specializing in Bordeaux and Burgundy. Regularly visiting both regions, he rapidly gained first-hand knowledge of their wines and winemakers. Discovering a love for writing, in 2003 he started his own website, Wine Journal that rapidly gained a global audience attracted by its independence, insight and irreverent style. Its popularity prompted Robert Parker to ask him to join The Wine Advocate in 2006, eventually taking over responsibility for coverage of Bordeaux and Burgundy. In 2012 he published the seminal book on Pomerol that won the André Simonand Louis Roederer awards for wine literature. Having established himself as one of the foremost wine writers and critics, in 2018 he rejoins his former colleague Antonio Galloni at Vinous, charged with expanding coverage of Bordeaux and Burgundy, as well as South African and New Zealand wines (as well as the odd musical recommendation).

    Regions Covered: Bordeaux, Burgundy, Chablis, South Africa, Port, Tokaj, and England

    Alessandro Masnaghetti, Senior Editor

    Alessandro studied Nuclear Engineering in the 1980s before starting his wine career in 1990, working as a wine writer for Luigi Veronelli. Starting in 1997, he began his own newsletter called Enogea while working for wine magazine Vinum and in 2001 he published the L’Espresso Wine Guide. He later became the first Italian member of the Grand Jury Européen. In 2006 he started his career as a wine cartographer, joining Vinous in 2016. He is best known for the Vinous Maps of Napa Valley and his books Barolo MGA Volume 1 & 2. At the end of 2018 he was elected “Membre Titulaire” of the Academie Internationate du Vin.


  Raynolds, Editor

    Josh’s interest in wine was kindled in the early 1980s

  while he was at Boston University, pursuing an English degree that he

  received in 1985. The crash of 1987

  put a merciful end to a short-lived stint in the financial world and he

  decided to make the plunge into the wine trade, beginning in retail in

  Washington, D.C. and spending the better part of 1989 and 1990 visiting and

  working in vineyards and cellars in France and Germany. In 1993 he moved to New York to work for a

  national importer, traveling across the country to represent the portfolio

  until 2005, when Steve Tanzer asked him to join the International Wine

  Cellar. Over the last decade Josh has

  been a regular participant, speaker and judge at wine conferences around the

  country and contributed articles to Wine

  & Spirits magazine when there’s time to break away from attending to

  visiting the wine regions that he covers and trying to keep up with his

  tasting schedule. He lives on New

  York’s Long Island with his wife, Merrie Louise and their two daughters.

    Regions Covered: Rh?ne, Spain, Paso Robles, Oregon, Santa Lucia Highlands, Beaujolais, and Australia

    Eric Guido, Editor

    Eric won fans on Vinous' subscriber forum YourSay, long before he joined Vinous from the Morrell Wine Group, where he served as the Director of Wine and Marketing for five years. Eric was responsible for driving Morrell’s retail marketing campaigns, wine program, and authoring the highly acclaimed Morrell Holiday Catalog. Eric’s formal training in cooking and music round out his diverse personal interests.

    Regions Covered: Italy (aside from Piedmont, and Chianti Classico and Maremma in Tuscany), Washington

    David Schildknecht, Editor

    David Schildknecht trained in philosophy and worked as a restaurateur before spending a quarter century in the U. S. wine trade. His tasting reports from Austria, Germany, as well as parts of France and North America were from the late 1980s a fixture of Stephen Tanzer's International Wine Cellar; appearing thereafter in Robert Parker's Wine Advocate. A columnist and feature contributor for Wine & Spirits, The World of Fine Wine and Austria’s Vinaria, he is responsible for the German and Austrian entries in the just-published 4thedition of The Oxford Companion to Wine and a co-author of the seventh edition of Robert Parker's Wine Buyer's Guide.

    David has addressed issues of aesthetics in contexts including the International Philosophy of Wine Conferences, The Network for Sensory Research and as a guest instructor in a sadly short-lived pilot course on aesthetics at the U.C. Davis Department of Viticulture and Enology. An avid and perpetual forager and home cook, his life in wine occasionally permits him to pursue his passions for music, history, and his infinitely tolerant wife of four decades.

    Regions Covered: Austria, Germany

    Anne Krebiehl MW, Editor

    Anne Krebiehl MW, German-born but London-based, is a widely published writer, lecturer and wine judge. Her work has been featured in numerous publications, including The World of Fine Wine, Decanter, Wine Enthusiast and Falstaff International Magazine, where she served as editor-in-chief. Anne completed her WSET Diploma in 2010 and was admitted to the Institute of Masters of Wine in September 2014. She is a highly in-demand lecturer and judge at various events throughout the world. Her first book, The Wines of Germany, was published in Infinite Ideas’ Classic Wine Library and won the Domaine Faiveley International Wine Book of the Year 2020 award at the Louis Roederer International Wine Writers’ Awards.

    Regions Covered: Alsace, Austria and Germany

    Rebecca Gibb MW, Editor

    Rebecca Gibb MW is an award-winning wine journalist, author of The Wines of New Zealand and one of only 409 Masters of Wine in the world.

    A former winner of the UK’s Young Wine Writer of the Year and the inaugural Louis Roederer Emerging Wine Writer of the Year, Rebecca became a Master of Wine in 2015. In a record class of 24 graduates, she was awarded the Outstanding Achievement Award and the Madame Bollinger medal in recognition of her outstanding tasting ability. Her work has appeared in numerous prestigious publications, including Decanter, World of Fine Wine, LUX and Wine Business International. Having lived in New Zealand for six years (2010-2016), Rebecca has since returned to her roots in the north of England where she lives with her Kiwi husband and six-year-old son.

    Regions Covered: New Zealand, Loire Valley

    Joaquín Hidalgo, Contributor

    On paper, Joaquín Hidalgo is ideally placed to be a successful wine critic: not only does he have a degree in Winemaking from the Liceo Agrícola, he also has a degree in Journalism from the National University of La Plata. Since 2003, Joaquín has been living in Buenos Aires where he writes about wine and food for several major media outlets including weekly columns for La Nación, the major national newspaper, and La Ma?ana de Neuquén. He is regularly heard on radio and co-founded, the first mobile guide to Argentine wines.

    Regions Covered: Argentina, Chile

    Angus Hughson

    Angus Hughson is the founder of Winepilot, the co-publisher of The Vintage Journal, contributing writer to Gourmet Traveller WINE Magazine, The Australian and other publications in addition to the author of Worldwine. He has also worked extensively in ecommerce, analytics, sales and marketing for start ups in wine storage, wine collecting and retail. He is a wine judge and holds a Diploma in Wine and Spirits (WSET).

    Regions Covered: Australia

    Marzia Brumat – Founder

    Marzia's interest in wine started at an early age. Born and raised in Friuli to one of Italy’s top winemaking families, Marzia was introduced to farming and viticulture as a child. After a brief stint in the technology sector, the allure of wine and the family business proved too hard to resist and Marzia joined her uncle's winery in the early 1990s where she worked for ten years and developed a deep knowledge of the wine industry. Marzia has worked alongside Antonio since the creation

  of Piedmont Report in 2004 and through the years he spent at The Wine Advocate. In 2013, Marzia founded Vinous with Antonio and our core team. Today, Marzia is responsible for managing the company’s day-to-day operations.

    James Forsyth – Co-Founder

    James’ interest in wine began at

  a very young age through no choice of his own: Bordeaux and Tuscany were

  regular family vacation destinations. However, it was James’ choice to join

  his high school’s Oenology Club (yes, you read that correctly), where he

  began formally learning about wine. Combining his passions for wine and

  entrepreneurship, James collaborates on all aspects of Vinous

  from technology to strategic initiatives to events. His

  prior experience includes investment banking and consulting with a focus on

  technology and product development. James has a BA from Oxford

  University and an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management.

